The insectivorous Woolly bats (Genus Kerivoula) are only found in the Old World tropics, including Southeast Asia. Species of the genus are characterized by small body size (2.5-13 gram), funnel-shaped ears, very high-pitched echolocation, and their fidelity to forests. Despite the great species richness recorded in Thailand, a recent study led by Dr. Bounsavane Douangboubpha reveals there are more species then we knew in the country. By comparing morphological data and barcoding DNA, the authors indicate there are possibly several species under the names of some of the seven most common Kerivoula species in Southeast Asia. In addition, detailed description of morphology, echolocation, and distribution in Thailand of all studied species are also included in the study, providing useful information for further researchers. The findings are published in the latest issue of Mammalia journal by Boun and his collaborators, including three SEABCRU committee members.
Original Citation: Bounsavane Douangboubpha, Sara Bumrungsri, Chutamas Satasook , Warapond Wanna ,Pipat Soisook and Paul J.J. Bates. 2015. Morphology, genetics and echolocation calls of the genus Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Kerivoulinae) in Thailand. Mammalia.
Please contact bounsavanhd at yahoo dot com for a copy.