A frequent traveller browsing the tourist shops and markets of Southeast Asia and East Asia will invariably be introduced to many bats, although very dead and mounted. How are such bats collected in the wild and in what numbers? What is the volume of internet trade involving such souv
This was the title Julie and I did not use in the outreach promoting her paper looking at bite force in 35 species of Malaysian bats (we talked about dogs instead). If you said Hipposideros diadema, you really need to read the paper, and if you said the Kerivoula you probably intuiti
The annual meeting of the SE Asian chapter of the ATBC was held in Phnom Penh from 30 March – 2 April and attracted over 300 researchers and conservationists from throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including 100 delegates from Cambodia. Plenary speakers at the event included the reno
Further documentation of just how wonderful Eonycteris spelaea is with a new paper out this month in the Journal of Pollination Ecology. Pushpa Raj Acharya is the lead author, and here is a wonderful write-up on the history of Eonycteris spelaea studies and the significance of the st
A team of international scientists, led by two SEABCRU members, Dr. Pipat Soisook (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand) and Dr. Paul Bates (Harrison Institute, UK), discovered a new genus and species of false vampire. The new bat, namely Eudiscoderma thongareeae, is the sixth membe
The website for the conference is up and can be found here http://seabco2015.wix.com/home?fb_ref=Default Abstracts are due 30th April, so get busy everyone!!