An international team of researchers working in Peninsular Malaysia have found that the giant fruit bats known as flying foxes (Pteropus hypomelanus) are actually important pollinators for the durian (Durio zibethinus) tree, which produces a unique fruit that is highly popular through
Further documentation of just how wonderful Eonycteris spelaea is with a new paper out this month in the Journal of Pollination Ecology. Pushpa Raj Acharya is the lead author, and here is a wonderful write-up on the history of Eonycteris spelaea studies and the significance of the st
Although Eonycteris spelaea pollinates commercially important plants, as illustrated in the recent paper by Sara Bumrungsri and colleagues, this sometimes costs them their lives. Fruit farmers find the flowers of such plants lying on the ground the morning after bats have visited and