The case is often made that bats complement birds as seed dispersers in reforestation projects because they tend to defecate in flight, or drop larger seeds that they are carrying. This paradigm has come largely from work in the Neotropics, where the role of fruit bats as dispersers o
Last month the SEABCRU was in Mandalay, Myanmar for the second in its series of Network Gap workshop. Prior capacity-building initiatives by two SEABCRU members of the steering committee (Dr Paul Bates of the Harrison Institute, and Dr Tigga Kingston of Texas Tech University) with th
Research to understand bat diversity and bat responses to changing landscapes is often hampered by a lack of echolocation call libraries in the tropics. Here we publish the calls of fifteen species from five families found in the southern Western Ghats of India, with five species havi
You may have heard of the Painted Woolly bat (Kerivoula picta) which is famous for its bright orange and broken coloration. But you may not know there is a group of Whiskered bats (Myotis spp.) also “painted” in Southeast Asia. Chyrsopteron is a subgenus of Myotis, representing specie
The taxonomy and conservation of cave-dwelling bats in south central Mindanao remains undocumented and unexplored. This project was the first attempt to establish the first record of cave-dwelling bats in the region. A total of five caves were assessed from the village of Pisan, Kabac
Flying fox conservation is one of the four SEABCRU priorities, and our first global action is to collate information on the current populations and distributions of flying fox species. Researchers from Cambodia from the Institut Pastuer du Cambodge and Fauna and Flora International &